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Regulation 2025

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Here you will find the Dolomitica Brenta Bike race regulations wicth you can download via the link.

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June 28th 2025



The rules and conditions of participation


Participation in the race presupposes compliance with some well-defined rules by the bikers. The

complete regulation of the Dolomitica Brenta Bike Pinzolo mountain bike race

and all the services related to this event are listed below.






Art. 1 - Right to participate

The race is open to all athletes of both sexes in possession of regular membership for

cycling activity valid for the year 2025 issued by the F.C.I. or a sports promotion body with a minimum age of 19 years in the calendar year. On the CLASSIC RACR 45KM route only, athletes aged at least 17 years old are allowed to participate, limited to the JUNIOR agonist category both male and female.

Daily card holders:

It is possible to purchase the FCI day pass, (€ 10.00 to be paid at the bib collection) with a valid competitive sports medical certificate, to be presented at the time of bib collection, which allows you to participate in the  race (minimum age 19 years in the calendar year)

The medical certificate must be specific for CYCLING. We cannot accept medical certificates for other sports, such as triathlon, athletics, etc.


By registering for the race, each participant confirms that they unconditionally accept this regulation.


Art. 2 - Registration

Registrations are open from 20.01.2025 until 25.06.2025 at 23:59   and must be done through the website ,filling in all the fields and completing the entire registration procedure with the payment.  Late registrations can be made at the race office Loc.Pineta Pinzolo.

Furthermore, for Italian participants it is mandatory, as usual, to register via factor K through the

sports club to which he belongs by 25.06.2025 at 11.59 pm. After this date and time, the K factor will be

closed and will not be reopened for ANY category.




Art. 3 – Registration and Fees

The registration fee is:

€.30 until 28/01/2025 online mode

€.45 from 01/02/2025 to 31/05/2025 on-line mode

€.60 from 01/06/2025 to 25/06/2025 at 23:59 on-line mode

€.70 from 27/06/2025 to 28/06/2025 at the Race Office,Location Pineta,Pinzolo

TEAM Promotion 8 +1 Free using Endu4Team

€.15 Élite M/F

€.10 Under 23 M/F 



Art. 4 - Payment rules

Payment can be made directly by following the ON-LINE registration procedure by credit card, bank transfer, and in the manner better indicated on the procedure itself.In case of any problems during the registration phase, you may request directly at the helpdesk on


PLEASE NOTE / ACKNOWLEDGE: The fees indicated above are to be considered net of expenses, costs,

management fees that may be applied to the payment transaction deriving from the use of

various payment methods (credit card, bank transfer, foreign bank transfer, paypal, etc.) for transactions on

national and international circuits, will be paid by the participant.


Art. 5 - Cancellation of Registration, Change of name

The registration fee is NOT refunded.

It is not possible to postpone the registration to the following year.The replacement of a participant is allowed until June 9th 2025, by sending a specific request to the email address specifying the all the new registration data.It is specified that the new member must be in possession of a regular membership card for cycling activity valid for the year 2025 issued by the FCI or by a foreign federation belonging to the UCI.

If, due to force majeure or any other reason not attributable to the organization, the event does not take place, the participation fee will neither be refunded nor recognized for the following year.

It is allowed to change the course until 9 th June 2025, at a cost of € 10.00 by sending a specific request to the email

Art. 6 - Privacy Law

The personal data communicated at the time of registration will be saved, used and processed exclusively in

relation to the organization and performance of the event. By registering, the participant declares as of now

that their personal data may also be used by third parties. Participants declare to accept the publication, in

paper and digital form, of the starting lists and final rankings on the various websites of the event, of the

National and International Cycling Federations and of the timekeeping company. By registering, the

participant declares to allow the publication of their personal data on all media (internet, homepage and

printed matter). Furthermore, the participant and the organizer declare that the photographic and video

material made in the context of the event may be disseminated and published, without any request for



Art. 7 - Regulatory changes

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify, vary or add notions to the following

regulations, to vary the route and altimetric profiles and services related to the event up to the date of

the Race, if deemed appropriate.


Art. 8 – Categories Admitted

The Dolomitica Brenta Bike is an event registered in the Officials calendars

of the Union Cycliste Internationale and the Italian Cycling Federation.

The categories admitted to the race are the categories foreseen by the FCI regulations in force

for the year 2025, specifically:

Junior + M / F (17-18 years) no XCM, Open M / F (Elite - Under 23) Only FCI, only Marathon;

MT - Élite - Sport M / F (19/29 years);

M1 - Male - (30/34 years);

M2 - Male - (35/39 years);

M3 - Male - (40/44 years);

M4 - Male - (45/49 years);

M5 - Male - (50/54 years);

M6 - Male - (55/59 years);

M7+ Male – (60/64 years and beyond)

Master W Categoria unica

The first three of each category will be awarded.

Art. 9 - Starting Grids, methods and schedule



1.In the VIP grid, on the starting line will be able to enter: Elite, Under 23, juniors (no XCM), open woman, and VIP guests. (will be drawn up in collaboration between the President of the Jury, the Technical Delegate and the head of the organization)

2.In the MERIT grid after the VIP grid the top 20 classified at the 2024 edition, the general and category leaders of the Trentino MTB Circuit and the RampiTek Circuit 2025 the first 10 Top Class XCM with points will be able to access for XCM, for XCP the top 10 Top Class XCO with points .

3. In the grid reserved for members of the CIRCUITS all members in Trentino MTB 2025 and RAMPITEK 2025. The other grids will consider the date of registration.





LEADERS TRENTINO MTB/RAMPITEK CIRCUITS 2025                                        START TIME 8.30

TRENTINO MTB /RAMPITEK 2025 CIRCUITS                                                         START TIME 8.30

ELITE SPORT, MASTER                                                                                            START TIME 8.30



JUNIOR M/W VIP                                                                                                       START TIME 8.45



LEADERS TRENTINO MTB/RAMPITEK CIRCUITS 2025                                        START TIME 8.45

TRENTINO MTB/RAMPITEK  2025 CIRCUITS                                                         START TIME 8.45

MASTER                                                                                                                     START TIME 8.45


Departures will take place at the times indicated above, respecting the grids which will be clearly marked and defined at the start.

Athletes who start on the wrong grid will be disqualified.

Art. 10 - Technical Provisions

The Dolomitica Brenta Bike is a mountain bike race, to which only mountain bikes are allowed.

It will be possible to carry out small repairs along the technical areas specifically indicated (see Feed

Technical Zone) in which the presence of our assistance stands along the route will also be indicated, if

provided and if the athlete is not assisted by their team. It is advisable to do a technical check of the bike before starting the race.

Art. 11 - Security measures and Highway Code

For the safety of the athletes, the use of an approved helmet is mandatory throughout the race.

The use of video cameras or micro cameras placed on the bike, helmet or body is prohibited under penalty of disqualification, unless authorized by the Organizing Committee, subject to approval by the Jury Panel as per UCI/FCI regulations.

The race will take place on public and private roads. It is everyone's duty to respect the Italian Rules of the

Road in areas open to traffic and in any case on dual-lane roads. It is also mandatory to comply with UCI and

FCI safety regulations. Anyone who does not respect these rules will be immediately disqualified.


Art. 12 - President and Panel of Jury

The President of the Jury will be designated by the UCI, to which the race is duly registered, supported by

collaborators designated by the FCI and by the of Off-road Race Director, chosen by the CO in the relative FCI register valid for national and international races. Any complaints may be made official to the  jury panel in the manner set forth  by the current UCI and FCI regulations.


Art. 13 - Rankings and Awards

The rankings will be available in real time directly on the website

in the special Events section Dolomitica Brenta Bike Pinzolo and will be displayed by the

CO in the manner indicated by binding UCI / FCI regulations.

Immediately after the arrival of the first 3 Absolute M / W classifieds of the Race Classic and Marathon course, the “flower ceremony” will take place in the dedicated area. The absolute and category official award ceremony will take place at 2.30 pm, in Località Pineta Pinzolo

Art. 14 - Cash prizes

As per FCI tables.


Art. 15 - Disqualifications

The jury reserves the right to exclude athletes from the competition.

The use of bicycles equipped with any kind of electric and / or electronic support and aid is prohibited.


Art. 16 - Regulations for the protection of the surrounding environment

Waste must be thrown into the bins placed after the refreshment points.Outside the indicated areas, it is strictly forbidden to throw waste along the route, under penalty of disqualification.


Art. 17 - Disputes

Any disputes must be sent to the jury within 15 minutes of the end of the competition, in writing.


Art. 18 - Liability

Participation in Dolomitica Brenta Bike Pinzolo takes place at your own risk. By registering, the participant waives any legal claim, even against third parties, against the Organizing Committee and against all

natural and legal persons involved in the organization of the event. Furthermore, by registering, the competitors confirm that they are in good physical condition to be able to take part in a

competition such as the Dolomitica Brenta Bike Pinzolo, which requires a good degree of preparation.


Art. 219 - Withdrawals

It is forbidden to abandon the course, subject to reporting the voluntary withdrawal by the competitor to the

recognizable staff (Marshall) who will collect the bib and race number and notify the O.C. and the Jury Panel

located at the Finish Line. Competitors who exceed the maximum limits will be stopped and must deliver the bib and race number to the personnel present along the route.


Art. 20 - Rules of conduct

- Slower competitors are obliged to facilitate overtaking by faster athletes;

- Routes which are not clearly visible are to be run at suitable speed;

- In the downhill passages never exceed your technical limit;

- Any technical breaks of the bicycle must be repaired outside the race track, to ensure the safety of the

  other athletes;

- Verify that the bicycle is in good condition for the performance of the race;

   Failure to comply with the rules results in immediate disqualification


Art. 21 - Self-certifications and obligations deriving from the registration form

By signing the registration form, the competitor declares:

- to be in possession of the medical certificate according to the Ministerial Decree of 18/02/82;

- to be in possession of a regular membership card of a sports promotion body in compliance

  with current legislation;

- to have read and fully accept these regulations;

- to have read and understood the Race Regulations and the UCI / FCI regulations in full;


By signing the registration form, the competitor declares to authorize ASD Dolomitica Sport Trentino to send future e-mails, organize communications regarding the event in question, promotions and offers relating to the event and the Association's activities;


Art. 22 - Ethical Requirements

By signing and sending in the registration form, the competitor, together with the representative of their

team, self-certifies the non-existence of sporting, civil and/or criminal sanctions or ongoing investigations

against them for facts relating to doping and declares not having taken - and not taking - substances

included in the anti-doping list of the World Antidoping Agency (WADA) (

The competitor also expresses their consent to the use of their image and data, as required by Legislative

Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 (law on the protection of personal data).

The online submission of the form is considered to all intents and purposes an electronic signing of the

same. By electronic signature, the law intends the set of data in electronic form, attached or connected by

logical association to other electronic data, used as a method of computer identification.

Art. 23 - Timekeeping

Dolomitica Brenta Bike, uses as Official Timer EVODATA with 'chip' technology. Each participant must be equipped with a valid personal chip or a daily rental chip. Information and conditions on the use of chips are published at Failure to use or incorrect use of the chip will result in non-inclusion in the ranking and non-attribution of the time achieved .


Art. 24 - Statement summary

By submitting the online registration, the athlete declares:

- to have a sports medical certificate according to Italian Ministerial Decree of 18/02/82;

- To have a competitive medical certificate from their club as per FCI/UCI regulations. Possession of

  the FCI/UCI card certifies that the competitor has a competitive medical certificate for the current season;

- to have a regular membership card if registered with a company;

- to have third party liability insurance;

- to have read and accepted the rules and regulations;

- to consent to the use of their images and data without request for compensation!


Art. 25 - Healthcare

During the race there will be 3 type A ambulance cars and a doctor available. They will also be

there are 4 mountain rescue teams along the route.


Art. 26 - Equipment

The race takes place on mountainous terrain of high altitude, so the weather conditions may change

quickly and without warning. Each participant will need to be prepared and equipped with

clothing suitable for all weather conditions, even with very low temperatures, rain and

other perturbations.


Art. 27 - Checks and gates

The passage to be made at the entrance of each starting grid is mandatory: the competitors who fail to do so will be disqualified;

Check points along the route must be passed regularly; There will be a time gate at 13:30 at Malga Boch . When an athlete exceeds the maximum time, he will be stopped and disqualified. The athlete can continue the race without the race number (bib) and at his own risk.


Art. 28 - Technical meeting

Loc Pineta Pinzolo

Art. 29 - Start time

Saturday, June 28th 2025 Location Pineta Pinzolo (TN)


08.00 am. Grid openings

08.30 am Start Dolomitica Brenta Bike Marathon

08.45 am Start Dolomitica Brenta Bike Race Classic


Art. 30 - License check and pick up of number bib/race packet

All the preliminary operations for participation in the event will take place in Pinzolo at the competition office in Pineta Location in the following ways: Friday June 27th from 15.00 to 19.00 - Saturday  June 28th from 6.30 to 07.30.


Art. 31 - Signaling of the route

The route will be signposted starting from the month of May. Some sections are closed to the public and will be open only for the day of the race (deviations are signaled). Dangerous points such as technical and steep descents, curves, refreshments, etc. they will be marked with specific clearly identifiable signs. The mileage will be reported in descending order (km missing on arrival).



- Refreshments along the route

- Race and post-race services

- Health care assistance

- Showers

- Bike wash

- Catering

- Camper area





Organizing Committee

ASD Dolomitica Sport Trentino

Via dei Sales 5,38080 Carisolo (TN)




Facebook page: Dolomitica Bike

Instagram: Dolomitica Brenta Bike


Infoline Michele +39 3394618574

Info Route Dennis +39 3383870390 (English spoken)

Press Office Studio PR Donatella Simoni +39 3331496068

Assistance for registration


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